Update again!

Well, I’m all studied out for now. I finished the first training, and my brain was much more up to practicing what I need to say after the break.

Then I started the second one, which I realized is actually a two-parter, so really there are at least 4 trainings I will need to do at home. I went thru most of this 2nd one, but got to the part where my brain was turning to mush, and decided it would be better to recap it in the morning when my mind is fresh, that way have a better chance of passing the exam the first time.

On my break I left a comment on someone’s article that was freshly pressed, and then got a comment back, that was nice.

I realized someone clicked my Carnivale link I had the other day, and that it wasn’t to the TV show at all it was to some place in Chicago?? I guess I should be checking out these links I put up more often. I tried to change it to IMDB or the TV show’s website but it’s not available. So, if anyone wants to look up Carnivale, type that into IMDB, Wikipedia, or amazon.com. Sorry about the bad link. I took it off. Also feel free to give me a heads up if I post another bad link.

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week – so much to do before then, trainings at home and in Spokane, possibly taking a cert test if I can find the time, getting an oil change before going to CDA for Thanksgiving.

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