Shopping day

Quick post – I want to get ready to go shopping – we are going to take the car to Spokane, hope all goes well! Going to Fred Meyer, Kmart, and a store J wants to go to on Sprague.

The weather says it’s going to be above freezing today and the roads are clear, so I’m okay with going. We discussed going yesterday, but I didn’t feel up to it, and it started snowing in the afternoon.

I was looking for a new christmas pic for FB (found one but gonna change it soon) and found the Supernatural christmas header – which I had to tweek and re-write merry christmas to make it fit on WordPress. So the picture quality isn’t great, but I like it.

I finished reading Sweet Poison by Ellen Hart. It was pretty good. I’ll be reading the next book in line of her series of mysteries soon, but now am reading Carlene Thompson’s Don’t Close your eyes again.

I’m feeling good about my decision about waiting to check out more books until I finish the ones I have. I feel like I’ll get more books read this way rather than spreading myself too thin like I always do. One of the first books I want to read once I clear out the current ones is the new Tess Gerritsen book I found out about. At least I think I haven’t read it yet! Can’t remember the title but I put it on my amazon wish list.

Another book I want to read is to finish A Rose for A Crown which is a thick historical fiction book I’ve been reading off and on during the year. I don’t have it at home right now.

I feel bad, I haven’t bought my Supernatural TV Guide yet! We won the cover with our votes! There better be some copies left!

I need to take a shower (UGH and double ugh wet hair in the winter) and get ready to go.

Oh yeah, one more thing, yesterday I wasted a ton of time. TRIED to do some creative writing with my Nightland story but went nowhere. I did have fun later making a video game song list on YT. Which made me realize I like video game songs better than real songs. LOL. The list is 30 songs long already.

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