Daily Archives: January 9, 2021

TBR Audiobooks

I’m almost done with Night Film, which is a reread for me. I’m not liking it as much as I did the first time and it’s probably because it’s an audiobook and I sometimes lose focus on the story and then I’m not sure what’s happening anymore. If that happens with a print book it’s easy to go back and reread.

Anyway, I have 4 hours left so I should be done with it on Tues night.

My TBR of Audible books I own:

  1. The Deep, Deep Snow
  2. Save Yourself
  3. Little Heaven
  4. The Ceremonies
  5. The Ignored
  6. Music From Another World
  7. The Last Time I Lied
  8. When I Was You
  9. Black Eyed Susans
  10. Falling
  11. The Cabinet of Curiosities
  12. Relic
  13. The Last Monument
  14. The Memory Painter
  15. The Molecule of More
  16. The Gargoyle
  17. The Dearly Beloved
  18. This Perfect Day
  19. Emerald Buddha
  20. Swan Song
  21. Seveneves
  22. Tell Me Lies
  23. The Clan of the Cave Bear
  24. Caffeine
  25. Blood, Sweat, and Pixels
  26. How to Save a Life
  27. Shogun

Wow that’s a long list. Doubt I will get to all of them this year. Some of them are really long listens. I might start having one long listen on the side of a regular length book so I can start putting a dent in the long ones.

TBR Audible Plus Catalog

  1. The Handyman
  2. Tribulation
  3. Polar Vortex
  4. Cirque Du Freak
  5. Undisclosed
  6. Dolly
  7. Horrorstor
  8. The Bone Farm
  9. Distress Signals
  10. The Influence
  11. The Marriage Lie
  12. Who Killed My Daughter?
  13. A Dark Night in Aurora

And I’m sure there is more to add if I look.

TBR Audible books to buy:

  1. Kill Creek
  2. The Vanishing Half
  3. Unravel
  4. This Is Just My Face: Try Not To Stare
  5. Annie on My Mind

There’s more, those are the ones I’m pretty sure I’ll get

TBR library audiobooks:

  1. Fangirl
  2. Grown
  3. All We Ever Wanted
  4. The Red Hunter
  5. Felix Ever After
  6. Soul’s Gate
  7. The Warehouse