Tag Archives: job search

Goals for tomorrow

I want to write down some goals for tomorrow and then go through a checklist to see if I achieved them. I have to remember though that energy levels for me will make a difference on whether or not I get all the cleaning done.

  1. Finish applying for two jobs tomorrow
  2. Change bedsheets and do two loads of laundry
  3. Finish cleaning bathroom sink

I’m thinking on Friday I want to make sure to vacuum. I don’t want to put too much cleaning in one day.

I need to finish the letter I started to my penpal and send it in the mail, hopefully tomorrow.

I’m nervous and excited about Supernatural on Friday night. Afraid it will have a devestating ending or give us an awful cliffhanger.

But I’m excited about Misha Collin’s  new series, Divine. I saw on Kickstarter they reached their goal of raising $10,000 to fund the show further. I would have donated if I had a job. Anyway, it’s starting this summer. Which brings me to another topic.

I have considered more than once trying to give up entertainment that contains violence for a month. Would have to be after the season finale of Supernatural. But then, I could be missing Divine’s premiere. I’ll still be thinking it over. I’d be changing what shows I watch, video games I can play, and books I can read. I’m reading Stieg Larsson‘s second book right now, The Girl that Played With Fire, and it’s long, and I’d have to give that up, since it’s a thriller and sure to have violence. Well, give it up for a month.

I also want to write more, I keep saying that, but it’s hard for me to write when not in a creative mood, and usually when I am, it’s late, I’m tired, and I can’t write much.

Going to shut the laptop off now. It’s really hot. I might go do some writing on the other comp, but like I said I’m tired. Maybe I should read instead.